After planning permission is granted and Building Control.

Once planning permission has been granted, you must now get building regulations approval for your project. The Building Regulations of 2010 apply to the majority of construction projects in England and Wales. The government’s basic technical requirements ensure that building work is correctly designed and constructed in accordance with various standards. The welfare of those… Continue reading After planning permission is granted and Building Control.

The Party Wall Act 1996

The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 came into effect in England and Wales on the 1st July 2997. The Act offers a framework for preventing or resolving disputes involving boundary walls, excavations close to neighbour buildings, party walls, and party constructions. Anyone planning to carry out work of the kinds listed in the Act must… Continue reading The Party Wall Act 1996

Tree Preservation Orders

Councils frequently utilise tree preservation orders (TPOs) to safeguard certain trees located on someone else’s property that are within their area of jurisdiction. The landowner has the right to comment once the council sends a TPO explaining why they want to make the order if they want to safeguard a tree. Before any work on… Continue reading Tree Preservation Orders

Listed Buildings

In addition to common buildings, there are other structures that can be listed, including telephone boxes, walls, milestones, and bridges. You can check to see if a building is listed and the listing’s grade using the Historic England Listings website. If you own a listed building, or are a contractor carrying out work on a… Continue reading Listed Buildings

Laws relating to the protection of Bats.

All bat species and their roosts are legally protected in Britain under both national and international law. It is a criminal offence to: intentionally catch, harm, or kill a bat, intentionally or carelessly disturb a colony of bats while they are sleeping; destroy, damage or otherwise obstruct a known bat roosting area; have a bat… Continue reading Laws relating to the protection of Bats.

Planning appeal process.

You must file an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate within six months of receiving the refusal notice if you have submitted a different kind of planning application, such as permission to alter an existing building. You have six months from the end of the initial determination period to file an appeal if the council has… Continue reading Planning appeal process.

Planning Application process continued

You will have one year to submit a revised application after being invited to inquire about the changes you can make to undo the application’s rejection. You can, however, appeal the council’s decision by getting in touch with the Planning Inspectorate if you decide not to submit a revised application. When should an appeal be… Continue reading Planning Application process continued

Planning application process.

Councils approve about 80% of planning applications, including 90% of those submitted by homeowners, which is good news for those looking to build or renovate. You must typically begin construction within three years of receiving full planning approval for your proposal. On the decision notice the council may impose a shorter or longer time limit,… Continue reading Planning application process.

Consultation and publicity requirements

Your proposal will be made public once your planning application has been validated. The formal consultation period, which typically lasts 21 days, officially begins at this point. Anyone may comment in writing on your proposal during this time, and the council will take that into account when deciding whether to approve your application. People who… Continue reading Consultation and publicity requirements

Planning application types.

The most common planning application types used are “Full”, “Outline” and “Householder”, followed by . A “Full” planning application is the most common application type and is supported by fully detailed drawings and technical reports. It can be used for a range of development proposals including changesof use, extensions to existing buildings, or to propose… Continue reading Planning application types.